The View of Slang Words in the Movie “No Hard Feelings” (2023)

  • Hafsha Fauzia Ramadhan Widyatama University
  • Ervina CM Simatupang Widyatama University
Keywords: Slang words Movie, Sociolinguistics, Language trends, Communication


This paper explores the types of slang words in the movie "No Hard Feelings," (2023) and analyses the significance within the context of the movie and contemporary Sociolinguistics. By analyzing the dialogue, the research highlights how slang words enhance character development, drives narrative progression, and reflects cultural authenticity. The research delves into the sociolinguistic implications of movie slang, examining its role in mirroring and shaping real-world language trends. The findings suggest that the strategic use of slang in the movie not only enriches the film’s realism but also influences audience perceptions and everyday communication patterns. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamic relationship between film dialogue and sociolinguistic evolution, emphasizing the cultural resonance of cinematic language choices.  In conclusion, the strategic use of different types of slang in "No Hard Feelings" demonstrates the power of language to convey character, context, and culture. It underscores the film's commitment to capturing the nuances of modern life, making the characters' interactions both believable and compelling


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Vincent-Arnaud, N. (2008). Keith Allan & Kate. Lexis, September, 0–3.

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Yusuf, Y. Q., Fata, I. A., & Aini, R. (2023). “Gotchuu!”: the Use of Slang in Social Media By Generation Z. LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Dan Sastra, 17(2), 167–174.

Agesti, S., Devi, M., & Hidayat, N. (2022). A Study of Slang Words in Ride Along movie and It ’ s Contribution on Vocabulary Learning. 400–411.

Alawiyah, S., Zuriyati, & Lustiyantie, N. (2021). Slang Language As Representatives of Social Culture Identity in Film Step Up 2 the Streets. Ijlecr - International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review, 7(2), 204–213.

Arikunto, R. (2019). Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian Linguistik. Pusat Studi Humaniora Indonesia, 90.

Creswell, J. (2009). Topic 9 Qualitative Research Methods. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 105–122.

Harris, J., Svejcer, A. D., & Nikol’skij, L. B. (1989). Introduction to Sociolinguistics. In The Modern Language Review (Vol. 84, Issue 3).

Heidary, B., & Barzan, P. (2019). Language : November.

Jain, S. (2016). Sociolinguistics and Language Variation. LangLit, 2(3), 114–118.

Kucer, S. B. (2021). Language Variation. Dimensions of Literacy, May, 81–102.

Muhartoyo, M., & Wijaya, B. S. (2014). The Use of English Slang Words in Informal Communication Among 8th Semester Students of English Department in Binus University. Humaniora, 5(1), 197.

Mustapha, M. (2018). Distinguishing Language , Dialect and Variety. Current Trends in Language and Literary Studies, a Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Alagbe, A. Adewole, a Publication of Department of English, Nasarawa State University, Keffi);, August 2018, 0–18.

Nisa, S. U. (2019). Sociolinguistics. March.

Rahman, M. F., & Zaim, M. (2023). A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Slang Words Found in “The Mitchells Vs The Machines” Movie. E-Journal of English Language and Literature, 12(3), 501–506.

Rezeki, T. I., & Sagala, R. W. (2019). Slang Words Used By Millennial Generation in Instagram. Jurnal Serunai Bahasa Inggris, 11(2), 74–81.

Situmorang, R. K., & Herman, H. (2021). an Analysis of Slang Language Styles Used in Charlie’S Angels Movie. Journal of English Educational Study (JEES), 4(1), 21–29.

Ugwu, Chinyere. N. and Eze Val, H. U. (2017). International Digital Organization for Scientific Research IDOSR. Idosr Journal of Science and Technology, 3(1), 37–46. www.idosr.orgAsuketal

Vincent-Arnaud, N. (2008). Keith Allan & Kate. Lexis, September, 0–3.

Wirata, I. W., & Rahman, A. (2021). A Critical Analysis of Language Variation In The Traditional Art Market Senggigi and Sade (Sociolinguistic Studies). Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia (JPIn), 4(1), 90–106.

Yusuf, Y. Q., Fata, I. A., & Aini, R. (2023). “Gotchuu!”: the Use of Slang in Social Media By Generation Z. LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Dan Sastra, 17(2), 167–174.

Agesti, S., Devi, M., & Hidayat, N. (2022). A Study of Slang Words in Ride Along movie and It ’ s Contribution on Vocabulary Learning. 400–411.

Alawiyah, S., Zuriyati, & Lustiyantie, N. (2021). Slang Language As Representatives of Social Culture Identity in Film Step Up 2 the Streets. Ijlecr - International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review, 7(2), 204–213.

Arikunto, R. (2019). Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian Linguistik. Pusat Studi Humaniora Indonesia, 90.

Creswell, J. (2009). Topic 9 Qualitative Research Methods. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 105–122.

Harris, J., Svejcer, A. D., & Nikol’skij, L. B. (1989). Introduction to Sociolinguistics. In The Modern Language Review (Vol. 84, Issue 3).

Heidary, B., & Barzan, P. (2019). Language : November.

Jain, S. (2016). Sociolinguistics and Language Variation. LangLit, 2(3), 114–118.

Kucer, S. B. (2021). Language Variation. Dimensions of Literacy, May, 81–102.

Muhartoyo, M., & Wijaya, B. S. (2014). The Use of English Slang Words in Informal Communication Among 8th Semester Students of English Department in Binus University. Humaniora, 5(1), 197.

Mustapha, M. (2018). Distinguishing Language , Dialect and Variety. Current Trends in Language and Literary Studies, a Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Alagbe, A. Adewole, a Publication of Department of English, Nasarawa State University, Keffi);, August 2018, 0–18.

Nisa, S. U. (2019). Sociolinguistics. March.

Rahman, M. F., & Zaim, M. (2023). A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Slang Words Found in “The Mitchells Vs The Machines” Movie. E-Journal of English Language and Literature, 12(3), 501–506.

Rezeki, T. I., & Sagala, R. W. (2019). Slang Words Used By Millennial Generation in Instagram. Jurnal Serunai Bahasa Inggris, 11(2), 74–81.

Situmorang, R. K., & Herman, H. (2021). an Analysis of Slang Language Styles Used in Charlie’S Angels Movie. Journal of English Educational Study (JEES), 4(1), 21–29.

Ugwu, Chinyere. N. and Eze Val, H. U. (2017). International Digital Organization for Scientific Research IDOSR. Idosr Journal of Science and Technology, 3(1), 37–46. www.idosr.orgAsuketal

Vincent-Arnaud, N. (2008). Keith Allan & Kate. Lexis, September, 0–3.

Wirata, I. W., & Rahman, A. (2021). A Critical Analysis of Language Variation In The Traditional Art Market Senggigi and Sade (Sociolinguistic Studies). Jurnal Pendidik Indonesia (JPIn), 4(1), 90–106.

Yusuf, Y. Q., Fata, I. A., & Aini, R. (2023). “Gotchuu!”: the Use of Slang in Social Media By Generation Z. LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Dan Sastra, 17(2), 167–174.

How to Cite
Ramadhan, H. F., & Simatupang, E. C. (2024). The View of Slang Words in the Movie “No Hard Feelings” (2023). Jurnal Onoma: Pendidikan, Bahasa, Dan Sastra, 10(3), 3022-3030.