Local Culture Topics for Prewriting and Drafting in Teaching Essay Writing at English Department UKI Toraja

Keywords: topics, local culture, essay writing, pre-writing, drafting


The objective of this research is to find out whether or not local culture topics are preferred by the students in their prewriting activities and in writing the first draft of their essays. Bringing students closer to their own culture through the use of the Local Culture Supplementing Model or local culture as a teaching resource. Additionally, it is hoped that students would develop their essay-writing abilities or perhaps create articles on Toraja to highlight the region's distinctiveness. Students' writings and those of the younger generation can help Toraja culture advance in the writing world. Regarding the findings of this preliminary study, more than 75% of students indicated that they used the following strategies when writing essays: 1) Students needed topics on the local culture for prewriting; 2) Students require topics about local culture for drafting their essay.


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How to Cite
Siumarlata, V., & Arrang, J. (2023). Local Culture Topics for Prewriting and Drafting in Teaching Essay Writing at English Department UKI Toraja. Jurnal Onoma: Pendidikan, Bahasa, Dan Sastra, 9(2), 1035-1043. https://doi.org/10.30605/onoma.v9i2.2842