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Ryan Humardani Syam Pratomo
Sri Mukminati Nur


Mushroomdiversity in the Wangkung forest area, Ndoso district, West Manggarai Regency. This research is a survey research that aims to observe and  find out the diversity of mushroom species in the Wangkung Forest Area, Ndoso discrict, West Manggarai Regency. The method  used  in this research is the  quandrant  transect method. The area or research  location  used is 500 meters long and 50 meters wide which is divided into 5 stations. The size of the transect  is 2x2 meters, totaling 5 transect and will be randomly distributed at  each stations. The results of this study showed that  there  were five types of  fungi, namely: Auricularia polytricha as many as 104 species, Lentinus strigosus as many as 74 species, Trametes versicolor as many as 70 species, Pycnoporus  sanguineus  as  many  as  70 species and  Lentinus sp as  many as  37 species. Based  on  the results of the calculations  of the diversity index of 1,533 which indicates the category of the diversity index is moderate . While the evenness  index value is 0,952 which indicates the distributions category of the typeof community  structure  is stable or good. The average value of  the wealth index is 3.869 which indicates  the medium type of wealth. While at station  1 is dominate d  by Auricularia polytricha  and  Pycnoporus  sanguineus  with a dominance  index value  of 0.070.  At station  2 the dominance index value  is 0.111 which is dominated  by Auricularia  polytricha  which shows  the most dominant  fungus  at stations  2.  Meanwhile at  station  3 is dominated  by Auricularia  polytricha  with a dominance  index value of 0.099. While at stations  4  is  dominated  by  Auricularia  polytricha  with a dominance  index value of 0.114 . Meanwhile, at station  5, Lentinus  strigosus  is dominated  by  a dominance  index value of 0.081.


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How to Cite
Humardani Syam Pratomo, R., Mukminati Nur, S., & Herlina. (2023). KERAGAMAN JAMUR DI KAWASAN HUTAN WANGKUNG KECAMATAN NDOSO KABUPATEN MANGGARAI BARAT. Jurnal Biogenerasi, 8(2), 548 - 550.


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